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Bulgarian Technology Transfer Network (BgTTN)

15. TTO "ICT for Energy Efficiency"
Main feature of the technology transfer office "ICTEE" is the imposition and implementation of a systematic approach to examining the innovation process. This is the main axis around which the methodology of the project is developed. Offering innovative solutions in the field of energy efficiency requires the use of new technologies such as ICT. That is why OTT "ICTEE" is considered as a part of a set of technological agents that offer transformation of knowledge in technology and ensure its implementation in enterprises to become more competitive. These technological agents meet with agents for energy efficiency and innovative agents of enterprises who describe the opportunities for the improvement of their energy efficiency. The creation of OTT "ICTEE" is seen as a methodological framework for the provision of innovation in which the technological agent plays a central role in the creation of technological and managerial innovations. Information and communication technologies play a dominant role in generating innovative solutions and products for the delivery of energy efficiency.

The mission of OTT "ICTEE" is to manage with the major challenges that are faced by the economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and are reflected in the strategic documents for economic development on a municipal, national and European level:

1. The main purpose of OTT "ICTEE" is related to the development of innovative activities in the field of high technology, which will contribute on a local level for the implementation of Strategic Goal 1 - "Rapid and sustainable economic growth and development of the knowledge economy and information society to achieve average levels of development of such administrative - territorial units into the EU.” Part of the realization of this objective implies the necessary conditions for "growth through innovation" and "transfer, development and deployment of high technology" specifically designed in Priority 1 - Objective 1: "Creating a favorable environment for the development of modern high-tech sectors of the local economy, "whose performance is directly linked to the creation and development of the particular technology transfer offices in the field of high technology, which is the main purpose of this design project.

The implementation of OTT "ICTEE" is associated with Objective 2 and Objective 3 of this priority as the development of innovative activities cannot take place without the direct involvement of representatives of the academic science (concentrated in the BAS institutes and universities within the Capital Municipality). Their joint activities within the framework of OTT "ICTEE" will affect:
• Scientific research activity in the field of ICT and its application in energy efficiency in various sectors of the economy where there is an acute need for a breakthrough in this field such as energy, transport, construction and engineering;
• Will provide an opportunity to attract the capacity of the international scientific community (Bulgarian scientists are an inseparable part of numerous international consortia and act as equal partners in solving specific problems) in order to find the appropriate effective innovative solutions;
• Will contribute to the strengthening of SMEs in the field of knowledge-intensive services both on the Bulgarian and international markets

2. OTT "ICTEE" is consistent on a national level with the National Strategic Framework Priority 3 - "Fostering entrepreneurship, favorable business environment and good governance" as directly related to the stimulation of research, technological development and innovation activities of the industry in terms of energy efficiency and cooperation between centers of research and development, universities and businesses; giving support to businesses to solve problems in the field of energy efficiency through the introduction of innovative products based on ICT.

3. OTT "ICTEE" directly corresponds to the priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy through its objectives and functions. The objectives are: "Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" to achieve economic and social growth through the development of innovative, smart industries and services that create new types of jobs - one of the main strategic objectives of the program. The planned activities and services of OTT "ICTEE" are directly related to the performance of the main objectives of Europe 2020 - (1) The "Innovation Union" - supporting knowledge transfer in the system "science-practice", support the activities of SMEs to develop and provide high technology products and services in priority areas related to energy efficiency, etc., (2) "Energy Efficiency" - saving the planet's resources, which has implications for the conservation of the environment. Considering all of the facts which are mentioned above, it is obvious that the OTT "ICTEE" will contribute to the implementation of the European strategy on a national level.

  • Information Services: creating a database for micro, small and medium-sized businesses with an interest in energy efficiency, constant networking with other OTT of the national innovation system, promotion of new technological and scientific developments in the field of energy efficiency and the use of ICT; establishment links with research organizations and enterprises cooperation (including foreign) assistance in establishing cooperation between local and foreign firms, organization of workshops, seminars, exhibitions and more.
  • Consulting Services: assessment and assistance in the protection of intellectual property, patent and legal assistance; preparation, consultation and coordination in the preparation of new projects using ICT for energy efficiency, preparation of documentation, certification and registration of finished products, marketing analysis for innovative products in the field of energy efficiency using ICT Expert and consulting services related to technology transfer.
  • Financial Services: easier access to external funding and support, access to financing schemes, promotion of development related to energy efficiency investment funds.
  • Technology Services: Technology transfer, innovation and know-how, scientific solutions to specific problems related to the use of ICT for energy efficiency, technology assessment and technology audits, pilot testing of energy efficiency technologies.
Mr. Rumen Andreev.
He graduated the Technical University of Sofia, and specialized in "Automation and Telemechanics". Doctor-"Automation of engineering" Professor:" Computer systems, complexes and networks"

Rumen Andreev has over 30 years of experience: Engineer and Researcher in - Sofia Res: TSLANP-BAS Assoc.: ICCS - BAS, Professor: IICT-BAS Board Member: ICCS and IICT - BAS, Deputy Chairman of the ENS of IICT - BAS Head of Department: ISTSOI-ICCS, SC itself-IICT - BAS Participant 14 applied research, Professor at the Free University of Burgas, Shumen University "Konst. Preslav ", Veliko Tarnovo University" St. Cyril and Methodius"

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