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Projects Portfolio

SOUL Skills
Contact person
Raya Staykova, national coordinator,
mobile : +359-887-921095,
email: raya.staykova@gis-tc.org, raya5019@gmail.com

Start date
End date
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SOUL Skills is an Erasmus+ project implemented by 7 partners from 6 EU countries (BG, IT, GR, ES, IS, FR) with main aim to provide information about the effects of of the current social isolation EU countries undertake as a measure to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 pandemic on children aged 6-12. It addition, the project’s purpose is to provide modern and innovative methodology and tools that will assist to evaluate the transferable skills of children outside the classroom context, as well as to empower professionals in supporting soft skills based on cultural activities in the non-formal education settings.

Main activities
• An analytical report "Children after the social isolation due to COVID-19” will be produced for providing information about the impact of isolation on the processes of socialization of children aged 6-12 years old who were unable to go to school as a result of the pandemic restrictions.
• An innovative methodology will be developed and tested for the joint evaluation of transferable skills of children outside the context of classroom.
• Organization and development of Skills Toolbox SOUL Skills Toolbox will empower education professionals/parents in supporting soft skills evaluation and development of children aged 6-12, by proposing a comprehensive learning model to enhance transferable skills with modern approached and innovative tools based on cultural activities in the non-formal education setting.
• The staff of the 7 partner organisations will be trained to become local contact persons of the project “the ambassadors”, in order to disseminate, train other educators and provide mentoring and guidance to the educators who wish to implement the project results.

Очаквани резултати:
• Информация за влиянието на социална изолация върху децата и идентифициране на дефицити при изграждане на преносими умения на децата в резултат от наложените Ковид-19 противоепедимични мерки
• Повишен капацитет на специалистите в сферата на образованието (учители, обучители, ментори….) чрез предоставяне на иновативна методология за оценка на преносими умения и инстументариумът за използването й
• Осигурен свободен достъп на целевите групи до „набора от методи и средства” за развиване на преносими умения
• 14 служители от партньорските организации обучени да използват и прилагат методологията за оценка на преносими учения и прилежащия инструментариум, разработен в рамките на проекта

Бюлетин 1 - юли 2021

Бюлетин 2 - юни 2022

Бюлетин 3 - декември 2022

Бюлетин 4 (BG) - април 2023
Newsletter 4 (EN) - april 2023

Analytical Report – Bulgaria - Child after the Social Isolation due to Covid-19

Резюме на анализ на резултатите от собствено емпиричното сравнително изследване България, Франция, Гърция, Исландия, Италия и Испания на тема "Децата след социалната изолация поради Ковид-19" Резюме.

4 days Training - click here for more information.

Механизъм за оценка на преносими умения при ученици на възраст 6 -12 години.
Наръчникът е предназначен за учители в начален курс на обучение, учители в извънкласни занимания, школи и курсове, както и за родители на деца на възраст 6 - 12 години.

Mechanism for the Evaluation of Soft Skills of Pupils 6-12 years old.
Manual for Soft (transferable) Skills evaluation oriented to teachers at primary schools, educators at out-of-school educational entities and parents of children aged 6-12 years

Методи и техники за формиране на преносими умения при ученици

Toolbox for Strengthening Soft Skills of Pupils

AGORA (Bulgaria) – coordinator
• Foundation GIS Transfer Center (Bulgaria)
DEFOIN (Spain)
Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (Greece)
• J&M Synergie (France)
NORTH Consulting (Island)
Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy)

Educators-adult trainers, teachers in primary schools, parents, mentors, youth workers and university students and anyone working towards improving children' learning process within non-formal and informal learning setting.
Total budget 197 916 EUR.
2000 - 2024 GIS-TC all right reserved