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4 days SOUL SKILLS training was performed
2023-02-23 20:47:57

It's been a week since our 4 days SOUL SKILLS training was performed. The training started on 12.02.2023 in Madrid and was hosted by Defoin!

During the first day of the training, our participants had the opportunity to get to know each other and better understand the SOUL skills project!

This training is targeting staff and educators from partner countries to familiarise them with soft_skills and the results of the project. Educators shared best practice activities that use in their everyday work.

The 2nd day of SOUL skills Training found us sharing experiences, knowledge, and activities that can support the development of soft skills in learning environments. Educators from Bulgaria presented a new skills training tool "Mobility mathematic".

During the 3rd day of the SOUL skills Training, staff and educators from the participating countries shared best practices from their educational contexts.

Participants from Greece shared activities on storytelling and how can support the development of analytical/ critical thinking.

Participants from France shared different pedagogical approaches for developing soft skills.

Participants from Italy shared non-formal activities that support emotional behavioral development through games.

Here you can find some bullet points of what our educators and project staff have experienced!
• exchange of best practices from all partner countries,
• training in non-formal activities,
• learning through experience.

During the 4th day of the Soft Skill training , participant learned about innovative skill training techniques which are used in Greece and Iceland.

During the closing session, participants discussed the impact of all presented training techniques, and how they can be used by teachers/educators.

SOUL Skills Ambassadors are:
Платформа АГОРА
GIS Transfer Center
NORTH Consulting, ehf
Centro Studi Villa Montesca
J&M Synergie

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

The highlights of the training are in more photos!
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